Monday, September 1, 2008

Pro Global Warming

Today I wore a sweater on a beach. I dipped my girls fingertips into icy waters. And now I am sitting in my chilly house, tempted to turn on the fireplace...and no, we don't have air conditioning.

I live in rainy Seattle. Yes I am finally admitting it. It's rainy here. Even though it's August, our "summer" month. I used to be the one walking around pointing to the summer months of the calendar encouraging everyone to hang on just a little longer so that for eight to twelve weeks we could soak in the sun before starting over again. It's true. When it's nice here, it's the best place in the world.

But this summer has been full of rain. It's been the worst of the five years we've been here and just listening to the locals who've been here longer, they're confused too. I've gotten comments in return that I'm being negative...but...I actually think what I was doing before was self deception and now I am just being realistic :P.

So here's my thought. If this global warming thing is for real, I am all about it now. We could use a lot less rain and a lot more heat around here. Although I still think it's a farse, I'm really crossing my fingers, trying to become a believer now to keep hope for Seattle.

Sorry Texas. I vote yes for global warming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree! If Seattle had the same weather as San Francisco, I'd be thrilled.

Although this year, being pregnant, the return to fall weather feels great.