Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy List

All my kids were in bed tonight by 8:38pm. Usually it's by 9:30pm and I have about one hour to do whatever. I'm elated to have two ;)

I am eating HEALTHY and it feels really GOOD! It's not like I ever eat terrible. I plan my shopping once a week, never buy from the chip asile, and avoid my husband's stash of candy bars, but I just took healthy to the next notch and it feels great. I can feel my body changing and the scale has even winked at me a little bit. Here's a pic of my lunch I made today...spring greens with almonds, yellow pepper, carrots and topped with baked salmon.

Precious little Sa Sa is semi crawling, trying out his exersaucer and johnny jump swing thingy and is in general...out and about and on the move. Most people are like - "Watch out! They'll be all into everything!" when babies start moving, but I am ALL ABOUT IT and can't wait for him to run with the girls!

I am in a wedding in a month and the dress is oh so cute! I am excited to wear it! Here's a peak...

I never never buy new shoes. All summer I have been wearing my 3 strapped tevas that I bought like my freshman year of college (which was age 18...I am now 31). You get the picture. Well I had to buy shoes for the above mentioned wedding and went with some amazing heels. Ooh la la. I am very intimidated by them and have absolutely nothing that goes with them in my closet besides this wedding dress but I am determined to get them in the dating rotation with Jason. He's super pleased with my purchase ;).

A little thing...I have this pic of Grace watching Jason cut the grass. She stays so concerned for him the entire time he's out there, I think because of the loud noise. And she just stays glued to the glass door. It's super sweet. Our little bear has a very sympathetic, compassionate heart. It's the same heart that brings mammy and banket to Kanah if she's crying and the same heart that bursts into tears if she realizes mommy is upset with her. Sweet sweet Grace.

We go on vacation to Banks Lake next week!! Love it. Sun. Lakes. Cliffs. Boat. People helping me with my kids. Maybe even READING? Oh. Vaca I love you.

Tomorrow we are having a work party - woo hoo! Salem's nursery is still pink. Yeah. We have some things to accomplish: painting, pics on walls, girl's bedroom closet, pics and shelves in girls' room, and other such things. So happy.

Oh and I am definitely thankful for the WOMEN in my life lately! I'm loving my Thursday accountability group and think maybe I should do a featured post with pics and everything just on you ladies!

And hello...I'm so happy right NOW b/c jason got us takeout and a movie... :) ;) ;).


1 comment:

kalle said...

super proud of you for that salad! now if you had put a picture of you cutting and eating an apple i would have driven right over there and given you a kiss;)