Thursday, June 24, 2010

Crazy Natives!

I waited to post this on a sunny day so we could CELEBRATE that the sun does in fact return every year around this time, though I won’t stop believing it’s real until the second week of July. (At which point I will be delightfully silly and happy and forget that this isn’t the whole world, for about eight weeks). I capped CELEBRATE because for some peculiar reason, some people I have run into need reminding that the sun is something we welcome, though it be a stranger a good part of the time.

So I had a very humorous run-in with some Seattle natives recently on one of our first beautiful sunny Seattle days. The fam was having lunch at Qdoba. The pick-two menu and email coupons have apparently been the key marketing to keep us coming back. Sa man and J had gone in to order and me and the girls waited outside at a table in the sun. They were entertained by a “dittle dawdy” (little doggy) at the table next door and I just soaked it all up. Me in the sunshine. My girls sitting with me. Food on the way. Jason with us. Ahh.

Next thing I hear is the couple next to us beginning to mumble about the sunshine in their eyes and before I know it I’m with the Israelites in the desert, complaining about the manna coming down. Seriously, people? I’ve got my own manna I complain about but…the sunshine?? These must be natives.

I say that because my daughter Grace is a native to this area (as you know) and fairly often I hear her say “It’s toooo suuuuuunny!” which I laugh at and poke at her about. It’s just crazy nonsense and sends me rolling my eyes every time. Goodness, me. (How she survived the south is plain mystery).

So the Israelites spotted a table shaded with an umbrella, moved all of their belongings under it’s protection from the sun’s harsh, unwanted rays, and life got a lot more delightful for them. With my back to them, I just smiled and in my head was already writing this blog. But along came two more reasons to write this.

Another guy was sitting outside, obviously waiting for someone, and soon his friend came halfway out the door and said, “Hey, we found a table inside!” I had to put on my “don’t burst out yet” emergency filter and as soon as he popped up and as he went inside I let out a “what??” It’s not weird to want to eat inside. We all have to do that. But when it’s one of the first nice days in, oh, 250 days, who would want to? And not only that, but prefer it? He “found” a table inside…which means there were lots more people (crazy natives) inside who also “found” a table too. Meanwhile only me and the Israelites ate outside in the scalding hot 75 degree sun. Hmm. So by now I am looking for a pen to write about the delirious natives who’ve obviously sold their souls to the rainclouds and now have allergic reactions to vitamen D.

So I’m starting to feel like I am on a sitcom b/c all these little vinettes are just happening one after the other, leading up to my favorite one that I will now tell you. Just as the two guys who had the luck of scoring an indoor table went inside, two teenage boys started towards me on the sidewalk. I could hear them from quite a few steps away talking about the weather and as they passed me one of them said, “I know man, it’s just so humid.” HUMID????????? By now my emergency filter just broke, I’m laughing outloud, and I see Jason’s finally walking towards me with the food. Because he’s not a native like those people are natives, you know, crazy natives, I get the joy of telling him about my three act play that just took place, hopefully quietly enough that the Israelites don’t get wind of my entertainment.

I cannot believe this place! People moan and groan all year long, and when the sun comes out, everybody’s emails and facebook status’ are all about how the SUN IS OUT! yet I run into a zillion of these people who’ve got hats and sunglasses and umbrellas out and who’d like to have a seat in the shade. Okay Seattle, let’s just brave it up, face the unknown, enjoy our summer, ask our hostesses for a table outside, and get out there people!


Jennifer said...

That made me smile...I can't even imagine it. It's 103 here today and oh, so sunny! About the only thing you can do here outside is swim! I don't complain much though. I actually like the heat. I had enough cold weather in Boone for 9 years then Indy for another 2. I love the sun and being outside even in the heat:)

Annie said...

LOVE YOU!Thank you for making me laugh out loud. I always think that I don't mind the rain and then a sunny day comes along and all of the sudden I'm crazy happy and productive. Hmmmm?

ursula said...

Seriously! Too funny but I must confess when we have too many sunny days in a row and then a cloudy day I'll feel relieved that I don't HAVE to take the kids outside to enjoy the sun... I've been in the PNW for what, 15 years and all my "Peruvianess" is GONE! Anything above 75 degrees, I start complaining that is too hot...

Marisa said...

oh girl i HEAR you. you can complain about the manna of rain ANY DAY and i will always agree with you :). those natives are crazy!!!

p.s. it is gloriously hot here in iowa. and things went really well this am!